Setting up a blog page has proven to be a challenge. I am not one to be patient and read all the instructions. Blogger has changed all the settings since the last time I logged in so I have to start over.
I have tried to read blogs from schools and administrators, but they are blocked at school. Some of the topics I have encountered are very applicable. We need to be able to read to know that we are not alone.
I have always had a support network of other band directors. I am fortunate that I work in a very large school system with 40+ band directors. There is always someone who plays the instrument I am having difficulty teaching, someone who has performed the music we are preparing, who has the percussion instrument we can borrow instead of having to buy, etc., and we all help one another. We are connected by our telephones and now emails. We have never thought of one another as a Professional Learning Network.
I have served as an administrator in the past. We had no network like the band directors have. It was isolation. Some days it would have been nice to have had someone to reach out to, either on the other end of a phone line or email or to have had a blog or article that I could have read to give me a little boost.
We all need to learn from one another. After all we are all in the same business, educating our future.
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